
Magical feeling in the air

The countdown for Christmas has begun and people around the world are getting ready.
Christmas Market in England
December is upon us, meaning it’s that time of the year again. Winter only begins on the 21st of this enchanting month, but this year the cold has been similar to last winter, which is alright as is always a good excuse for a nice cuppa or cheeky hot chocolate with cream anytime of the day.

In December there’s always that magical felling in the air, especially here in England, because of Christmas: there’s colourful lights that aluminate the streets, followed by decorations hung everywhere you go; the white, red, blue, silver and gold colour scheme is universal and everywhere; mule wine and the smell of Christmassy food.

 Being a foreign student myself, it’s different to see the English approach and preparations for Christmas, sometimes I find it all quite amusing, I have to say.

In England, everything begins in October: decorations, cards, Christmas songs and shopping madness. In my country you only start hearing about Christmas in December and sometimes we only put up our Christmas tree together on the second week of the month just because there’s no time for it; we don’t send Christmas cards or have as many parties (with those lovely hats)  as English people have.

It’s also interesting to see the British “values” around Christmas which seems to be family and shopping whereas in Portugal it’s all about religion, family and food.

While in England Christmas is celebrated on the 25th with dinner at midday with all the family, if you’re the sort my lucky flatmate is, she and her siblings are usually allowed to open one present the night before (usually beautiful pyjama’s), mine Christmas also starts on the 24th, but at midnight with a late dinner and we too open presents. Now milk and cookies, left for Santa to reward and thank him for presents left for all the good little boys and girls. Not all are good though, I know of a few children who have left out cookies and wine, hoping to get Santa drunk enough to stay at their house with all the presents.  

I found the differences interesting so I decided to ask a few people on the street how they celebrate it, I then got to the conclusion that they all wake up early in the morning on the 25th to open their presents, then play with them and then hoisting them to their rooms to put in place, whilst dinner is being made, then devour traditional dinner which normally includes a turkey and vegetables that are fought to be consumed by the kids! Christmas pudding for dessert that’s lit up, which I find amazing because it’s nice to have a little flame in your life! This dinner usually assembles all the family and they gather at different houses every year. After dinning people tend to spend some quality time together perhaps with snow fights or playing with their new gifts.

In Portugal, a Christmas table normally consists of a traditional codfish dish, followed but turkey or duck. There’s always “rabanadas” which is something similar to French toast but with cinnamon and sugar, and “sonhos” which literally translates from Portuguese as “dreams” and these small cakes are like doughnuts. After dinner we wait until midnight to open our gifts and stay up till late. On the 25th we wake up late and have roasted pig for lunch with yule log for dessert.

Praca do Comercio, Lisbon, Portugal
But the most important thing on Christmas, for the joy of every shop owner, is gifts. During this time of the year almost every shop has discounts which is a great encouragement for people getting gifts for their loved ones. But the process of getting gifts for everyone is an arduous job: you need to please everyone without spending too much money while making sure it’s the right thing.

After researching a few websites, catalogues and magazines, I have come up with a few suggestions to give to different members of your family so this might help your gift list.

For those who love technology the IPhone 6, Xbox1 and PlayStation 4 will be a good pick. The IPhone can be found everywhere from Apple’s website to Selfridges and Co. The consoles can be bought from websites like Amazon and GAME or retail stores like Argos.

For the little ones anything Frozen or Despicable Me related seems to be a big hit: this too films define 2014. Merchandise can be bought from Argos or EBay.

A good book or clothing items are always good and safe options. But why go for a safe option if you can get amazing and unusual options like an “obsessive chef chopping board” which is a chopping board with measurements and rulers everywhere or an acre of land onthe moon, mars or Venus from £16.75.

Owner of Belladonna's Boudoir: Blaise de Boursiere takes on bespoke designing for alterntaive fashion genres.

When the eccentric mother Blaise de Boursiere was diagnosed with M.E during her pregnancy she was sceptical about her life and how the near future would plan out. Now she tells me how fashion took centre stage in her life and made her the successful individual that many rely on today.

‘’I’m the designer, owner of Belladonna’s Boudoir, from Penwortham, Lancashire and I do all the designing, PR, admin, liaison and website (shop bells rings she’s answering).’’ She stops speaking and waits for the next questions ‘’ Yeah I’ve always made clothes I mean it was one of the things we did at school, which was to my hatred, designing, but because I came from a relatively poor family , having something different was just not possible  so I had to start making my own clothes. (She keeps straight eye contact while reminiscing positively of her time as a child). ‘‘I gave it up.’’( She corrects herself). ‘’Well I used to hang out with a lot of rock stars as well I ended up swapping clothes with those which was different. I then got high profile jobs, gave up the sewing, went off, had my happy life and then the late 80s, I developed ME through pregnancy and it collapsed the thyroid and I gained 7 ½ stone. (She recalls resentfully). ‘That was a big culture shock, there was nothing to fit me in the styles I wanted so I had to start making clothes again or look like my granny. (She smirks and laugh)  ''So I started making big clothes and continued with that even though I had lost the weight and people were literally stopping me in the street asking me where I’ve got the designs from and from there it just doubled.’’

''The name Belladonna's Boudoir has had about four or five different names over the last few years but I wanted something that sounded a little more upmarket, a little more classy. I also have the men’s range which is Felladonna.(She plays with her thumb)that came from opening it up to the Facebook fan clubs (speaks very proudly). I’d like to have changed it because the boudoir tends to have a lot of people thinking it’s a bedroom (speaks certainly) whereas boudoir was actually a changing room or a dressing room but (shrugs it off) everyone knows me as belladonnas boudoir so I think that’s how it’s going to stick.

‘’In terms of the customer the most important thing is to find out what your customer wants and generally they have an idea but they’re never 100% sure or they have a stock idea. ‘They want something different so I’m quite fortunate that I’m able to get into the customer’s head quite easily and see what it is that they’re after.''

My first ever garment that I designed was probably something really simple like a black velvet skirt that was laced down the back it was for an event I was going to and didn’t want the regular stuff that was out there.  ''I whipped out a quick skirt, (eyes light up as she’s speaking, footloose is playing in the background) and laced it half way down the back so it gives you quite an hourglass figure. After that I went into doing long hooded robe type coats. (Silence as she waits for me finish writing)

’My favourite piece I think has to be the Victorian polonaise . ‘’I didn’t particularly design it as it’s a true Victorian design but it’s very flattering on every size (says it reassuringly) and with it being such a Victorian renowned , neo Victorian it works with a whole amount of different styles. I love it. Very feminine.

(Itches nose and answers abruptly)'It’s annoying! Of course it’s annoying , when someone copies your work. 'When I’ve put my heart and soul into thinking of something and being someone else’s brain power (laughs)  but if Versace can be copied from catwalk to shops within 48 hours then the rest of us have no choice.

  • As a young child Blaise was on the hippie biker scene and would sell clothes right off her back
  • As a designer, Blaise works up 40 hours a week
  • Target age group for Belladonna's Boudoir is 45+
  • Blaise has designed for famous rock groups in the past




New York Fashion Week

Hello! First of all I've got to say I'm sorry for being away but I've been too busy during this summer. Now I'm back at uni again so I can start updating the blog again! :) On that note, we all know that NYFW just finished yesterday so I'll leave you with some of my favourite outfits from one of the most important events in the fashion industry. (Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren and J. Mendel are my favourites!!!) Hope you like it!! :)

Ola!! Peco imensa desculpa por nao ter postado nada recentemente mas este verao foi um bocado caotico. Agora, ja estou de volta a universidade ou seja, vou comecar a postar artigos com mais frequencia. E por falar nisso, todos nos sabemos que a NYFW foi esta semana e acabou ontem por isso deixo-vos algumas fotos dos meus conjuntos preferidos de um dos eventos mais importantes da industria da moda. (Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren e J. Mendel sao os meus preferidos mesmo!!) Espero que gostem! :)


                                                                                                                         Pree xx 

Marc Jacobs S/S 2015
Marc Jacobs S/S 2015
Erin Fetherston S/S 2015
J. Mendel S/S 2015

Erin Fetherston S/S 2015
J. Mendel S/S 2015
J. Mendel S/S 2015
J. Mendel S/S 2015
J. Mendel S/S 2015
J. Mendel S/S 2015

Michael Kors S/S 2015

Michael Kors S/S 2015
Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Proenza Schouler S/S 2015

Rachel Zoe S/S 2015 

Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Ralph Lauren S/S 2015

Anna Sui S/S 2015
Anna Sui S/S 2015
Zang Toi S/S 2015
Ralph Lauren S/S 2015
Erin Fetherston S/S 2015

J. Mendel S/S 2015


Mulheres gordinhas sofrem preconceito na igreja?

    Há algum tempo uma polêmica foi levantada quando a cantora cristã Ana Paula Valadão declarou no meio de uma pregação que não entendia como alguns pastores conseguiam ser tão gordinhos, que se fizessem jejum poderiam perder alguns quilinhos de quebra.Confusões e carta de desculpas da Ana Paula a parte, que também já declarou que já se submeteu à 1 lipoaspiração e que se arrependia, pois além de ter sofrido muitas dores pós cirúrgicas, também não estava contente com o resultado da cirurgia, pois seu corpo havia voltado ao que era antes. Cá para nós Ana Paula nunca foi gorda, nem chegou perto de ser e mesmo que seja 1 figura pública de grande exposição, o público que aprecia seu trabalho está mais preocupado em ouvi-la cantar ou pregar do que reparar se a barriga dela ficou flácida depois de 2 gestações .
   Mas o foco não é a Ana Paula e sim a reflexão, se arrastamos a ditadura da beleza para dentro das igrejas. Sabemos que obesidade não é saudável para ninguém e muito menos magreza ou musculatura excessiva, o meio termo seria ideal. Mas como definir um meio termo se somos tão diferentes? Algumas altas, outras baixas, com curvas, sem curvas e assim vai. Pois bem, antes de qualquer coisa a grande questão é: você é feliz com o corpo que tem? Sua atual forma é saudável ou te traz malefícios? Essa deveria ser a base para qualquer estipulação de padrão estético, mas os métodos que nos ensinaram são totalmente diferentes. O que imputaram em nossas mentes é: Seja magra para caber nas roupas mais belas e seja gostosa para ir à praia ou para algum cara te desejar… e se você tiver a infelicidade de engordar vai ter que ser pelo menos muito bonita de rosto, simpática e de preferência mais inteligente e interessante que a média para deixar sua gordura passar desapercebida.Resumindo, você tem que lutar desesperadamente de alguma forma – mental, emocional ou física para ser aceita pelas pessoas e principalmente pelo sexo oposto e é aí que o inimigo faz a festa, pois entramos em 1 bela crise de IDENTIDADE. Se não temos a certeza do amor de Deus e de como ele nos criou e para que fomos criados, essa pressão externa nos faz surtar a ponto de desenvolvermos neuras e distúrbios alimentares como bulimia, anorexia etc.
    Mulheres gordinhas sofrem preconceito na igreja? SIM, mas é o mesmo preconceito que sofrem fora dela e principalmente se trabalham com algo relacionado à imagem. Olhando o cenário musical cristão atual, a maioria das cantoras é magra ou atlética, possui um rostinho bonito e já alterou a cor e formato de seus cabelos. É raro você encontrar alguma delas sem estar com os cabelos arrumados e algumas camadas de maquiagem. Quantas e quantas igrejas parecem mais um desfile de moda? Que as meninas ao invés de se prepararem espiritualmente para o culto orando e louvando, passam horas se produzindo para ir ao culto? Acho que Deus não está preocupado se estou com um salto 15 e de unhas pintadas com a última cor da moda.Antes de buscarmos qualquer padrão estético devemos trabalhar com nossa auto- aceitação e principalmente nos aprofundarmos na aceitação e amor que Deus tem por nós. O corpo é templo do espírito santo e para servir a Deus precisamos estar SAUDÁVEIS, independente se nosso chamado envolve esforço físico ou não. Doentes não vamos a lugar algum e neuróticos muito menos!
    A Palavra de Deus diz que mulheres devem se enfeitar, mas que a linha da vaidade é tênue. Cada vez que reclamamos de alguma parte de nosso corpo ou zombamos de alguém estamos virando para Deus e dizendo: Hey pai, olha que porcaria que você fez – eu rejeito isso.

Deus nos deu um corpo completo e riquíssimo, porém a manutenção do mesmo é responsabilidade nossa.

Você está feliz com o que vê no espelho? Você entende que Deus te ama como você é e só quer o melhor para você? Bata um papo com Deus e organize sua vida para seu corpo ser seu aliado e não seu inimigo

Via : Uruçuí Gospel


Nuno Pereira: Portuguese Androgynous Model

Today I was watching telly with my mum when we saw an interview about a portuguese model called Nuno Pereira. I found him really interesting because he's an androgynous model and that's something that you don't see everyday.

What's androgyny? 

Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics. Sexual ambiguity may be found in fashiongender identitysexual identity, or sexual lifestyle. It can also refer to biological intersex physicality, especially with regard to plant and human sexuality.
I found an interview online where he talks about himself and how society sees him that can be found in: http://www.lux.iol.pt/nacionais/nuno-pereira-androgeno-portugal-androginia-modelo-algarve/1509092-4996.html (PORTUGUESE) 
He says that he has masculine and feminine features depending on his look of the day: without a beard he has a really feminine face (and a BEAUTIFUL ONE).
He works as a model in Portugal and Nuno is starting to work abroad too.
You can follow his work on his Facebook page at http://facebook.com/nunoopereiraa 

Hoje estava a ver televisao com a minha mae quando vimos uma entrevista sobre um modelo portugues androgino chamado Nuno Pereira. Eu achei-o muito interessante por ser um modelo androgino e porque e raro ver modelos como ele.

O que e a androginia? 

O andrógino é aquele(a) que tem características físicas e, em aditivo, as comportamentais de ambos os sexos. Assim sendo, torna-se difícil definir a que gênero pertence uma pessoa andrógina apenas por sua aparência.
Andróginos que prezam por sua androginia normente utilizam de adereços femininos, no caso de homens, ou masculinos, no caso de mulheres, para ressaltar a dualidade. Dado isso, tende-se a pressupor que os andróginos sejam invariavelmente homossexuais ou bissexuais, o que não é verdade, uma vez que a androginia ou é um caráter do comportamento e da aparência individual de uma pessoa ou mesmo sua condição sexual psicológica, nada tendo a ver com a orientação sexual (ou identificação sexual), ou seja a atração erótica por determinado parceiro. Desse modo, pessoas andróginas podem se identificar como homossexuais, heterossexuais, bissexuais, assexuais, ou, ainda, pansexuais.
Encontrei uma entrevista online onde ele explica o que a sociedade pensa sobre ele e sobre o seu trabalho em: http://www.lux.iol.pt/nacionais/nuno-pereira-androgeno-portugal-androginia-modelo-algarve/1509092-4996.html 
Ele diz que ele tem tracos masculinos e femininos e estes dependem do seu look do dia: sem barba a sua cara revela tracos bastante femininos (e atrevo-me dizer que e algo muito bonito artisticamente).
Nuno trabalha como modelo em Portugal e comecou recentemente a trabalhar fora do pais.
Pode seguir todo o seu trabalho na sua pagina do Facebook: http://facebook.com/nunoopereiraa 
